Texas 2025 Session Dates: 01/14/2025 – 06/02/2025 Click bill number to view bill textClick summary to view legislation detail Texas 2025 Bill Bill# SUMMARY LAST ACTION NOTES HB 326 Authorizes the increase or decrease of the rates of the gasoline and diesel fuel taxes based on the cost of certain highway projects. 02/28/2025 Read first time. Referred to House Committee on Ways and Means. Pending introduction and committee referral. HB 2431 Increases allowable distance from Arkansas-Texas border for certain vehicles transporting intermodal shipping containers from five miles to 30 miles. 02/05/2025 Filed in House. Pending first reading. HJR 138 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of a carbon tax. 02/14/2025 Filed in House. Pending committee assignment. Same as SJR 71. SB 1091 Increases allowable distance from Arkansas-Texas border for certain vehicles transporting intermodal shipping containers from five miles to 30 miles. 02/24/2025 Read first time. Referred to Senate Committee on Transportation. Pending Committee action. Same as HB 2431. SJR 71 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of a carbon tax. 03/07/2026 Filed in Senate. Pending first reading. Same as HJR 138. Bill Bill# SUMMARY LAST ACTION NOTES