OK HB 1592
John George
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 504
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Author Detail Link
Bill Text
Cargo Theft/Freight Fraud Enforcement
Addresses organized retail crime by establishing a comprehensive legal framework to combat retail theft and strengthen existing laws.
Provides a definition for the elements of organized retail crime and punishments for organized retail crime. If the property is valued less than $15K, the punishment is up to 5 years in prison or a fine of not more than $1,000 or both fine and
imprisonment. If the property is valued more than $15K, the punishment is for a term of up to 8 years in prison, a fine of up to $1,000 or both fine and imprisonment. Also lowers the larceny threshold from $1,000 to $500. Extends from 180 days, to a one-year period under which separate offenses may be aggregated to determine the total value of the stolen goods. The Oklahoma Organized Retail Crime Task Force is continued until June 1, 2026, and provides that staffing for the task force be provided by the Office of the Attorney General.
Pending committee assignment.
02/03/2025 First reading in House.
02/04/2025 Second reading. Referred to House Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight.
02/04/2025 Referred to Criminal Judiciary.
02/05/2025 Policy recommendation to the Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight committee; Do Pass as amended by committee substitute in Criminal Judiciary.
02/25/2025 House Committee report recommends passage as amended by committee substitute in House Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight.
03/05/2025 Third reading. Passed House.
03/06/2025 Engrossed. Signed. To Senate.
03/06/2025 First reading in Senate.