CA AB 1409


Mike Gipson
State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249

Author Detail Link


Bill Text


Intermodal Equipment Roadability






Expands and strengthens regulations for intermodal chassis inspections at port terminals, changing the existing law to require (instead of merely authorize) port terminals to conduct roadability inspections. Broadens the definition of "port terminal" to include ocean marine terminals and other terminals within port master plan areas, and eliminates previous conditions related to the number of chassis and prior compliance ratings.



Expands and strengthens regulations for intermodal chassis inspections at port terminals, changing the existing law to require (instead of merely authorize) port terminals to conduct roadability inspections. Broadens the definition of "port terminal" to include ocean marine terminals and other terminals within port master plan areas, and eliminates previous conditions related to the number of chassis and prior compliance ratings. The inspection requirements now include additional areas of examination such as container connecting devices, mud flaps, landing legs, and frame damage, and mandate verification of other required inspections. Requires defects to be repaired before a motor carrier can transport an intermodal container, with a violation being classified as an infraction. The inspection record retention period is extended from 90 days to 6 months, and if a port terminal fails a reinspection, the California Highway Patrol must direct the terminal to conduct additional inspections at 30-day intervals. Expands protections against retaliation for drivers who report chassis safety concerns, extending these protections to cover a broader range of entities beyond ocean marine terminal operators. Creates new potential criminal violations, which triggers a state-mandated local program provision, though no specific reimbursement is required.



Pending committee assignment.


02/21/2025 Introduced in Assembly.
02/24/2025 Read first time in Assembly.