AR HB 1757
Joey Carr
311 E Delta Road
Blytheville, AR 72315
Author Detail Link
Bill Text
Creates the offense of tampering with rail infrastructure. Provides penalties.
Aims to amend existing laws concerning railroads by establishing the offense of tampering with rail infrastructure. Includes legislative findings that emphasize the importance of railroads to the state's functionality and the obligation of the General Assembly to protect them from interference. Outlines various acts that constitute tampering, such as damaging, disabling, or otherwise interfering with rail transport, and it seeks to impose penalties for these actions.
Introduces a new section to the Arkansas Code that defines "tampering with rail infrastructure" and details the actions that would qualify as offenses, including placing obstructions, interfering with signaling systems, and making terroristic threats related to rail operations. The offense is classified as a Class D felony.
Pending House passage.
03/12/2025 Filed in House.
03/12/2025 Read first time. Rules suspended. Read second time and referred to the House Committee on Public Transportation.
03/18/2025 Returned by House Committee on Public Transportation with recommendation that it pass as amended
03/19/2025 Placed on second reading in House for the purpose of amendment.
03/19/2025 Amendment No. 1 read and adopted in House and bill ordered engrossed.