IL HB 5824


Edgar Gonzalez
240-W Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 (217)
Springfield, IL 62706
Author Detail Link


Bill Text








Adopts rules to implement to motor vehicle emission standards that are identical in substance to specified motor vehicle emission standards in force in California.



Creates the Zero-Emission Vehicle Act. Provides that all on-road vehicles purchased or leased by a governmental unit on or after January 1, 2028 must be a manufactured zero-emission vehicle, repowered zero-emission vehicle, manufactured near zero-emission vehicle, or repowered near
zero-emission vehicle. Provides that on and after January 1, 2033, all on-road vehicles purchased or leased by a governmental unit must be a manufactured zero-emission vehicle or repowered zero-emission vehicle. Provides that, by January 1, 2048, all on-road vehicles operated by a
governmental unit must be a manufactured or repowered zero-emission vehicle. Sets forth provisions implementing the Act, including requiring the Department of Central Management Services to adopt certain rules. Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that no later than the next
multi-year rate case, each electric utility shall propose a new tariff or rule that authorizes each electric utility to design and deploy all electrical distribution infrastructure on the utility side of the customer's meter for all customers installing separate or sub-metered infrastructure to support charging stations, other than those in single-family residences. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Adds provisions concerning electric school buses and large fleet reporting requirements. Provides that no later than December 1, 2025, the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency shall adopt rules to implement to motor vehicle emission standards that are identical in substance to specified motor vehicle emission standards in force in California. Requires the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to amend its
standards to maintain consistency with the California standards if the California standards are amended. Makes other changes. Amends the States Mandate Act to require implementation without reimbursement by the State.





04/29/2024 Introduced.
04/30/2024 First reading in House,
04/30/2024 Referred to House Committee on Rules.
05/29/2024 Died upon adjournment.