CA AB 2298


Gregg Hart
1021 O Street, Suite 6230, P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249
Author Detail Link


Bill Text








Establishes voluntary vessel speed reduction and sustainable shipping program.



Requires the Ocean Protection Council, on or before January 1, 2027, in coordination and in consultation with various entities, including the State Air Resources Board, to implement a statewide voluntary vessel speed reduction and sustainable shipping program for the California coast in order to reduce air pollution, the risk of fatal vessel strikes on whales, and harmful underwater acoustic impacts. Requires the program to expand a certain existing program and would authorize the program to include specified components, including incentives to
program participants based on a percentage of distance traveled by a participating vessel at a reduced speed, as provided. Limits application of the program to vessels that are 300 gross tons or greater. Requires the council, on or before December 31, 2027, to submit a report to the Legislature regarding the implementation of the program.



Pending Committee action.


02/12/2024 Read first time in Assembly.
02/26/2024 Referred to Assembly Committees on Water, Public Works and Wildife, and Natural Resources.
03/19/2024 Amended, and do pass as amended. Re-referred to Committee on Natural Resources.
03/20/2024 Read second time and amended.
03/21/2024 Re-referred to Assembly Committee on Natural Resources.
04/09/2024 From Committee with recommendation for passage. Re-referred to Assembly Committee on Appropriations with recommendation.
04/17/2024 Referred to Suspense File for fiscal analysis in Assembly Committee on Appropriations.
05/16/2024 Passed from Assembly Committee as amended.
05/16/2024 Read second time in Assembly and amended. Ordered returned to second reading.
05/20/2024 Read second time in Assembly. Ordered to third reading.
05/22/2024 Read third time. Passed Assembly. Ordered to the Senate.
05/23/2024 Read first time in Senate. Referred to Senate Committee on Rules for assignment.
06/05/2024 Referred to Senate Committees on Natural Resources and Water, and Environmental Quality.
06/11/2024 From Assembly Committee on Natural Resources and re-referred to Assembly Committee on Environmental Quality.