Tony Mendoza
State House, P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-005
Author Detail Link
Bill Text
Enacts the Goods Movement and Clean Trucks Bond Act.
Subject to voter approval at the June 5, 2018, statewide primary election, this bill would enact the Goods Movement and Clean Trucks Bond Act to authorize $500,000,000 of state general obligation bonds as follows: $200,000,000 to the State Air Resources Board for projects and programs consistent with the Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program; and $300,000,000 to the State Air Resources Board for projects and programs to expand the use of zero- and near-zero emission trucks in areas of the state that are designated as severe or extreme non-attainment areas for ozone and particulate matter.
Amended. No longer relevant to IANA.
12/05/2016 Introduced. Read first time. Referred to Senate Committee on Rules.
01/12/2017 Referred to Senate Committees on Transportation and Housing, Environmental Quality, and Government and Finance.
03/08/2017 Referred to Senate Committee on Environmental Quality.
03/29/2017 Recommended for passage by Senate Committee on Environmental Quality. Re-referred to Senate Committee on Government and Finance.
04/25/2017 Recommended for passage as amended by Senate Committee on Government and Finance. Referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations.
04/26/2017 Read second time in Senate and amended. Re-referred to Senate Committee Appropriations.
05/02/2017 May 8 hearing postponed.
05/10/2017 From Senate Committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations.
05/15/2017 Hearing in Senate Committee on Appropriations. Placed on Suspense File.
05/25/2017 Passed as amended by the Senate Committee on Appropriations.
05/26/2017 Read second time and amended in Senate. Ordered to third reading
06/01/2017 Read third time. Passed Senate. Ordered to Assembly.
06/01/2017 Read first time in Assembly. Held at desk.
06/22/2017 Amended as completely new bill.