Rhode Island 2021 Session Dates: 01/07/2021 – 06/30/2021 Click bill number to view bill text Click summary to view legislation detail Rhode Island 2021 Bill Bill# SUMMARY LAST ACTION NOTES HB 5870 Establishes a felony where wages due to employee because of the misclassification is greater than $1,500. 03/09/2021 Committee recommends measure be held for further study. Died upon adjournment. SB 833 Changes and increases fines for oversize and overweight infractions. 06/02/2021 Referred to House Committee on State Government & Elections. Died upon adjournment. HB 6470 Changes and increases fines for all oversize and overweight infractions. 06/28/2021 House Committee on State and Government, and Elections recommended measure be held for further study. Died upon adjournment. Bill Bill# SUMMARY LAST ACTION NOTES