Illinois 2025 Session Dates: 01/08/2025 – 05/31/2025 Click bill number to view bill textClick summary to view legislation detail Illinois 2025 Bill Bill# SUMMARY LAST ACTION NOTES HB 1637 Provides that an increase in the rate of tax based on the change in the Consumer Price Index shall not occur from July 1, 2025 until July 1, 2027. 01/28/2025 First reading. Referred to House Committee on Rules. Pending committee assignment. HB 1283 Provides that all municipalities (currently, only municipalities in a county with a population of over 3,000,000 inhabitants) may impose a motor fuel tax. 02/25/2025 To House Committee on Tax Policy Subcommittee. Pending committee action. HB 2613 Reduces fuel tax to $0.19 per gallon, plus an additional 2 1/2 cents per gallon for diesel fuel. 02/06/2025 Referred to House Committee on Rules. Pending committee assignment. SB 1608 Creates the Cargo Transportation Fee Act. 02/11/2025 Assigned to Senate Committee on Revenue. Pending Committee action. SB 1948 Provides that a vehicle or combination of vehicles operated by an engine fueled wholly or partially by an electric battery or hydrogen fuel cell electric fueling system may exceed the posted weight limits by up to 2,000 pounds. 02/25/2025 Assigned to Senate Committee on Transportation. Pending Committee action. HB 2963 Establishes the Road Usage Charge Advisory Committee to guide the development and evaluation of the road usage charge pilot program and to assess the potential for mileage-based revenue as an alternative to the current system of motor fuel taxes. 03/04/2025 Assigned to House Committee on Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges. Pending committee assignment. SB 2360 Amends motor fuel tax law. Provides that the July 1, 2025 tax increase based on the Consumer Price Index shall not occur. 02/07/2025 First reading. Referred to Senate Committee on Assignments. Pending committee assignment. HB 2394 Provides that a vehicle or combination of vehicles operated by an engine fueled wholly or partially by an electric battery or hydrogen fuel cell electric fueling system may exceed the posted weight limits by up to 2,000 pounds. 03/10/2025 House Committee Amendment No. 1 referred to House Committee on Rules. Pending committee referral. SB 1938 Creates the Road Usage Charge Act. 03/04/2025 Assigned to Senate Committee on Transportation. Pending Committee action. Bill Bill# SUMMARY LAST ACTION NOTES