Florida 2024 Session Dates: 01/09/2024 – 03/08/2024 Click bill number to view bill textClick summary to view legislation detail Florida 2024 Print Excel CSV Copy Show 10 15102550100All15102550100All entriesSearch: BillBill#SUMMARYLAST ACTIONNOTES HB 1275 Requires state DOT to develop a Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan to address freight mobility infrastructure. 03/08/2024 Died in House Transportation and Modals Subcommittee. Dead. Same as SB 1506. SB 1506 Requires state DOT to develop a strategic infrastructure investment plan to address freight mobility infrastructure. 03/08/2024 Died in Senate Committee on Transportation. Dead. Same as HB 1275. SB 714 Increases minimum funds available for Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Program from the State Transportation Fund. Increases amount required in budget request for the program. Increases amount of funds for the Strategic Port Investment Initiative. 03/08/2024 Died in Senate Committee on Transportation. Dead.